Stories making headlines across New Zealand at noon include a shortage of 50,000 men, cats and dogs being used for target practice at Papamoa, backyard cricket possibly ending in Hawke's Bay and an online interactive tour of something that looks like a "war zone".
In New Zealand, there are almost 49,000 more women than men aged 25-49, and the Catholic Church has lots to say about this.
A Tauranga man's DNA has come back to haunt him seven years after he allegedly broke into three cars.
Meanwhile down at Papamoa Beach, after being harassed by pesky nudists and fenced in by property developers the locals now have local Maori to contend with.
Meanwhile people with air rifles are using cats and dogs for target practice, with Tigger being the latest victim.
The old Rotorua police station has been described as looking like something out of a "war zone'' and here's 360 degree interactive photos to prove it.