A Government takeover of the troublesome Novopay teachers' pay system is potentially a positive move, says a Masterton principal.
On Wednesday senior minister Steven Joyce announced a Government-owned company would take over management of the Novopay system from Australian company Talent2 from October.
Wairarapa schools have struck countless problems since the system was introduced in 2012, including overpayment and underpayment of wages as well as missed wages, with school staff working long hours to try to correct the problems.
Wellington Regional Primary Principals' Association president Ed Hodgkinson, of Lakeview School, said it was difficult to determine whether the takeover would make a difference until it was brought in. Novopay had proved to be "woefully inadequate" and he hoped the takeover would resolve many payroll problems.
His school had faced difficulties contacting Novopay to resolve problems, he said.