Andres said they had seen more native birds over the past three years, including banded rail and kākā.
“It’s great to hear kākā squawking at each other,” he said.
Booth said planting had many benefits, with trees and plants alongside waterways creating shade for fish, eels and insects – which helped them flourish.
This included native fish species such as Kiwi favourite whitebait and kanakana (fish that look like eels).
Trees also provided shade for cows, Booth said.
Farmers throughout the country were involved in a wide range of environmental initiatives in their communities, he said.
“They’re helping create nurseries to grow native trees and plants, and working with schools to help children learn about nature.”
The Booths host school groups on their farm so students can connect with nature.
The children help plant trees and learn about the difference native bush can make for the environment.
“It’s great for students to come back to the farm and see over time the positive change they have contributed to.”
He said farmers nationwide helped develop community facilities so people could get out in nature, including walkways near or on their farms.
Farmers also worked with others to create ecological corridors to support native wildlife, including birds and bats, he said.
“Some farms are close to urban areas and it’s great to see town and country people working together.
“We’re in Titoki, close to Whangārei, and love that urban/rural connection.”
Andrew said it was important New Zealand got the balance right between ensuring farm businesses can remain viable to continue contributing to local economies while also meeting increasing community and consumer expectations around sustainability.
The Booths are trapping pests including possums, stoats and ferrets, and have created a wetland covering 1.5 hectares, with 5500 trees planted around it.
“We’ve reduced our herd by 30 milking cows, from 430 cows to 400, and we’re breeding even better cows so we can reduce our herd size even further,” he said.
The couple has two children – Tamsyn (10) and Hannah (9).
Booth said they helped drive his commitment to a sustainable future.
“We want farming to have as little impact on the environment as possible so we can continue to farm for generations to come, providing vital food and supporting local economies.”