A 39-year-old man has been charged with aggravated robbery in relation to an incident at a bar in Hamilton East on December 15. He will appear in Hamilton District Court tomorrow.”Inquiries into this incident are ongoing and further arrests may be made.”
During the execution of the search warrants, a 43-year-old woman was arrested for obstruction, and a 39-year-old man was arrested on previous warrants and previous unlawful-taking charges.
He is due to appear in Hamilton District Court tomorrow.
Three youth offenders wanted for breaching bail conditions were also located and were scheduled to appear in the Hamilton Youth Court today.
Police also recovered two stolen vehicles which they say were recently used in criminal offending.
“Earlier this week, I gave a commitment that we would be throwing the kitchen sink at efforts to hold people to account, and news of these arrests today is proof of that,” Bird said.
”We will not stop working to identify, locate, and deal with offenders in our community that cause an incredible amount of distress and harm.”
Police acknowledged that the recent crime in the Waikato region was unsettling to the community but wanted to reassure the public they would continue to work hard to hold offenders to account.
”We will continue to maintain a visible presence in retail areas and will task additional staff to our investigation efforts.
”Police thank the public for their cooperation and support in ensuring our communities be safe and feel safe.”
On Saturday a Hamilton dairy worker had two fingers severed when he was attacked by a machete-wielding robber about 7.30am. The victim, who is about to become a father, underwent an eight-hour operation to reattach the fingers and is now recovering in hospital.
And four youths were arrested following a home invasion, a series of commercial burglaries, and an incident in which shots were fired at police on Monday this morning.
Six others were on the run but police vowed earlier this week to hold the offenders accountable for their actions.On Monday Bird called the offenders an “organised crime group, pure and simple”.
”These people are now out of control.”
Bird said inquiries were underway in the upper part of the North Island to track the offenders.