When you ask a group of food writers to bring a plate to a function, you know you're going to eat well. You can also pretty much guarantee there's going to be an over-abundance of food.
So it was with the Food Writers NZ Christmas party recently. The group contributed some stunning offerings, and after we'd celebrated with festive gourmet goodies, there was a lot of food uneaten.
So we packaged up the leftovers and one of our members took them the Auckland City Mission, where they were shared with some of the people sleeping outside.
It can be easy to forget there are people for whom feeding the family — at any time, let alone for Christmas — is an overwhelmingly difficult task. A plain and simple meal, where everyone eats reasonably well, is hard enough for some households; a celebration meal is out of the question.
Distributing food at the Mission was a direct way of feeding people who need help. But there are other ways we can give and share at this time of year. And I guarantee doing this will make you feel amazing.