The new right-leaning Conservative Party is hoping the Asian vote will take it over the 5 per cent mark for seats in Parliament.
Yesterday, the party held an "Asian launch" and introduced its three Asian candidates, who party leader Colin Craig said would play a "key role" in campaigning for the Asian vote.
They are Paul Young, who stood in the Botany byelection in March on the New Citizen Party ticket, Simon Kan, a Kiwi Party candidate in the 2008 election, and Mr Kan's partner, Cynthia Liu, a first-time candidate standing for Te Atatu.
"In these sorts of communities," said Mr Craig, "it's all about networking and it's about talking and discussions going in existing groups, existing families, where people are meeting together."
In a Herald street survey, Mr Craig's party polled just 1.5 per cent, but he pointed out it had constantly been polling higher than Act, and other polls had put it above 4 per cent.