People will be able to change genders on their birth certificate by way of a statutory declaration, instead of needing confirmation by a judge, under a bill reported back to Parliament.
And they will have options others than male or female – the options of "intersex" or "X (unspecified)" will also be available if Parliament adopts the recommendations of the Governance and Administration Committee on the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill.
The move to self-identification for gender changes on birth certificates rather than needing the approval of a court and medical evidence brings it into line with passports and drivers' licences, committee chairman and National MP Brett Hudson said.
The bill is in the name of Internal Affairs Minister Tracey Martin, a New Zealand First MP. Assuming she has the support of her caucus, the changes look set to get the unanimous support of the Parliament.
Family First objects to the planned changes, saying historical documents should not be allowed to be manipulated by the state or politicians.