Local latched-on mums have beaten last year's record for simultaneous breastfeeding.
Out of 51 mums who turned up for the Big Latch On at the Masterton Town Hall on Friday morning, 48 "latched on" with their infant. The yearly event aims to achieve a record for the number of women simultaneously breastfeeding for a minute across New Zealand.
Mums began latching on at 10.20am, getting their infants settled, and at 10.30am a minute countdown began, with raised hands indicating who still had an infant attached.
Organiser Clare McLennan-Kissel, from Wairarapa DHB's Population Health Unit, said they were very pleased with the result. "Our sponsors have been so helpful, it's meant we've been able to give away goody bags."
The Women's Health Action event was started in 2005 to raise awareness about breastfeeding.