Loss of balance or personal control is the highest injury cause with 1104 claims, meanwhile, collision or knocked over by object in second had 27 claims.
Liam Thompson, 27, went over the handlebars of a Lime scooter. Photos / Supplied
The week between January 27 and February 3 was the highest in terms of amount of claims with 98 filed in seven days.
Of all the claims, 1144 of them were filed by riders aged over 18-years-old with 119 claims coming from minors.
Fracture or dislocation was the third highest primary injury with 204 claims, following soft tissue injury with 592 and laceration or puncture with 390.
Meanwhile, knee was the most injured body part with a claim count of 181 and hand or wrist followed in second with 152 claims.
Injuries to the face were the fifth highest with 96 complaints and head, except face, followed closely behind with 95 claims.
Buddle Findlay partner Tony Dellow told the Herald the Government could ban Lime scooters from operating under the Fair Trading Act.
If the e-scooters could be declared as unsafe goods, then Lime would be obligated to take them off the road until they could prove they are safe.
"If they were declared to be an unsafe good then they can't be supplied and supply includes hiring," Dellow said.
"The Minister [of Commerce and Consumer Affairs] can only do this on the basis of evidence and they could say I'm concerned over all these injuries.
"To some extent it would almost be the fact of the injuries may be enough from the outset until Lime could show there isn't an issue with the Limes themselves."