About 200 parents, grandparents, students, teachers and principals packed a Christchurch school gym last night to protest the Government's plan to close the school and others across the region.
Education Minister Hekia Parata has started three weeks of consultation with 37 Canterbury schools facing uncertain futures as the Government seeks to close or merge a number of schools to combat dwindling rolls in the wake of the earthquakes.
Chisnallwood Intermediate School, the South Island's second largest intermediate school, had been part of the eastern community for almost 50 years and prided itself on providing excellent education, principal Richard Paton said.
Everyone was shocked at the short length of time given to put together a proposal to keep it open, in the busiest term of the year, including Chisnallwood teacher Cam Gordon who spoke on behalf of staff.
"If living in earthquake-damaged homes wasn't enough, now you have us with this as well. It feels like the Government doesn't care about us. It feels like they don't care about east Christchurch. I am not going to send my daughter to a school ... that goes from Year 0 to 13. I want her to have the best possible education she can get. She won't get that in a year 0 to 13 school," he said.