The Ministry of Health is advising anyone who has recently travelled to a country with endemic monkeypox and has a rash-like illness to seek medical advice.
The ministry said there are no suspected cases in New Zealand and it is watching the international situation.
The World Health Organisation is reportedly convening an emergency meeting to discuss the alarming spread of monkeypox virus around the world, according to the UK's Daily Telegraph.
It said the United Nations' health authority is bringing together leading experts on the rare disease as a number of new countries announced their first confirmed cases on Friday.

Eleven countries — including Australia, the US, Spain and Italy — have now detected monkeypox in the first global outbreak of its kind.
A Victorian man is in hospital after being diagnosed with monkeypox, while another in NSW is also suspected of being infected with the virus.
In the UK, the number of cases of monkeypox doubled on Friday.
A Ministry of Health spokeswoman told the Herald today that ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research) has assessed the risk of importation to New Zealand to be low, but people should keep a watch out if they have recently travelled to an area where monkeypox is endemic or epidemic.