Moncks Cave in Redcliffs will be fenced off due to rockfall risk.
At a meeting last week city council staff presented a geo-tech hazard report and landscaping plan to members of the community about the cave and surrounding reserve.
The cave and land in Moncks Cave Reserve on the corner of Main Rd and Cave Tce in Redcliffs has been closed off from the public since the February 22, 2011, earthquake, due to risk of collapse or rockfall. Over that time the reserve has become overgrown with its future uncertain.
At the meeting between city council staff and members of the Redcliffs community, Redcliffs Residents' Association secretary Pat McIntosh said city council staff presented a plan to tidy up the reserve and fence off the cave due to the risk of rockfall.
Dr McIntosh said she was glad the city council hosted the evening to discuss the future of the cave and reserve with members of the community.