Cumming said the upper reaches of Lindsay Creek were very difficult country.
“When searching the creek area last Thursday, we would have finished his search downstream of Jon’s location.
“When police rang us, all they could say was ‘Got him. He has survived’.”
Ellison was transported to Dunedin Hospital and was recuperating from injuries, malnutrition and hypothermia.
“His voice is gone and we think he might have fallen over five waterfalls or banks and gotten caught in the holes.
“Very hypothermic and very malnourished, but got himself out.”
Cumming said he was a hunter himself and often read these kinds of bushland survival stories but never expected one to hit so close to home.
“It’s just awesome, it’s in the realm of unbelievable results.”
For the past two weeks, LandSAR, police, friends and family had been conducting a wide-scale search of North Dunedin, which included Mt Cargill, North East Valley, Waitati and Upper Junction areas of Dunedin.
He was last seen in Dalmore on March 12 and his car had been discovered near Chingford Park on Monday last week.