The "secrets-for-brownie points" case has been escalated to Customs Minister Maurice Williamson - but he says it has nothing to do with him.
It's a stance labelled inadequate by Greens' spokesman on Customs, Steffan Browning, who says the minister must at least assure the public nothing illegal has taken place.
Both the minister and his department are refusing to make any comment about an email from Greg Davis, Customs' manager of intelligence services, which urges colleagues in charge of sensitive information about internet tycoon Kim Dotcom to slip it to the FBI for "brownie points".
At the time of the email, Mr Davis was manager of the Integrated Targeting Operations Centre - a highly sensitive passenger screening process adopted from US Homeland Security.
In the email, Mr Davis told Immigration NZ's intelligence staff a "proactive" delivery of information would be welcomed by the FBI.