COMMENT: Well, Auckland motorist Pieter Kruger has certainly sparked a storm of media attention after taking to task the inherent selfishness of cyclists riding two abreast who block road traffic.
And good on Pieter for calling them out. Captured on camera, in full lycra glory, stubbornly refusing to form a single file on a dangerous winding and narrow road, knowing full well he was behind them in his car, and could not safely pass. He was on his way home to Piha on West Coast Road.
But oh no, these dorks chose to keep their conversation going, while cycling two abreast, commandeering the roadway, and blocking his ability to pass them. Perhaps these wannabe Lance Armstrongs were channelling their righteous arrogance.
But isn't this so typical? So cliche. So completely out of control.
Rabid, careless two abreasters, who refuse to budge, refuse to show one skerrick of basic courtesy and refuse to follow basic courtesy on the road.