Then Christchurch mayor Sir Bob Parker in 2013. Photo / Martin Hunter
Then Christchurch mayor Sir Bob Parker in 2013. Photo / Martin Hunter
With the 10th anniversary of the killer Christchurch earthquakes just three weeks away, I like many people were stunned and saddened to hear about Sir Bob Parker's profound health battles over the weekend.
The former Christchurch mayor is in a long-term care facility after a major stroke and brain bleed that has left him with limited movement and confined to a wheelchair.
I crossed swords with Mayor Bob on a variety of council controversies. Our working relationship ran very hot and cold.
We actually caught up for a coffee last year and reminded each other about that and shared a laugh.
But there is no doubt that when disaster struck, and at the height of the crisis, the Christchurch mayor's performance as a crisis communicator was exceptional.
Day in, day out he was a tireless and reassuring voice
And that outstanding crisis leadership will never be forgotten nor his deep love for his city and its people.
I found it particularly crass over the weekend to notice one current city councillor on social media, who rubbished his mayoral record while he is facing the battle of his life.
Rather than wishing him well, this councillor opted to attack his shortcomings in the office instead.
Councillor Melanie Coker - gee there's nothing like kicking a man when he's down.
Councillor Melanie Coker. Photo / Star News
I find that absence of basic humanity repulsive.
Why is it some councillors place a greater premium on political recriminations than exercising basic decency?
I know that Bob will be fighting hard to be able to attend the 10th-anniversary commemoration service.
He deserves an enormous outpouring of thanks and official recognition at that service.
Keep fighting Sir Bob. Our very best wishes to you and Jo.