But here's why we can connect a few dots and explain what may be happening.
Firstly, growth forecasts are dropping, some as low as two percent.
Two percent isn't good enough, it's historically low, and is a direct reflection of the mood meeting up with reality. Wallets are away, hiring intentions are down and forecasts are dropping.
More worryingly, this is all against a back drop of the OECD, which sees the global growth forecast on growth at four percent. Or twice what ours is predicted to be.
For the past decade, it's been the opposite: we've been rolling along well over three percent while the world has stalled. And that's where the rock star economy analogy came from.
Mixed in here is what business is really worried about and has yet to unfold, workplace reform and the return of the power of the unions.
Agreements across industries, not workplaces, takes power away from employers and puts it in the hands of the people.
These are the same unions who have us warmed up for industrial action the likes of which we haven't seen for years. Teachers are on the verge, nurses are on the verge.
In the previous two years, for example, industrial action was limited to literally a handful of stoppages involving a few hundred people.
The spectre of strikes and pickets was a thing of the past. But that fear is back. The wage expectations have been stoked, the unions are emboldened, and industrial action - along with major reform - is staring us right in the face.
And that is why the confidence numbers are where they are. That is why the growth forecasts are where they are. That is why the world is getting on with it and we are in trouble.
The hope of course is you look at the 1980s and the successful reforms and you learn from them. You see the gains and the progress and you don't repeat the mistakes that got us to the point that such changes were needed.
And yet here we are, with an increasing amount of foreboding, with evidence that shows that ironically, the same party who served us so well in the 1980s, is about to potentially blow it in 2018.