So the key question here, is just how spectacularly bad does it have to get before Lees-Galloway falls on his sword? Or just how spectacularly bad does it have to get before Jacinda Ardern realises she simply has to do the right thing by all of us and get rid of him?
Having been told a week and a half ago by Ardern to "read between the lines", and having done so, it's done nothing to provide light as to why a catastrophically bad decision was made, but everything as to why it was the cock-up it looked like from day one.
Did we or did we not say 10 days ago this stinks, it's not right, there is no logic and this ultimately will end badly for the Government?
And almost every day there has been something new, and importantly something bad for the Government. There has not be one single skerrick of evidence, or revelation, that has led us any closer to understanding why the decision that was made, was made.
And now to end the week, the admission, perhaps the most damning admission of all from the minister himself. He made the decision within an hour and didn't read the whole file. Having spent the past week trying to pin this on officials, we now know another piece of the truth.