COMMENT: This really is a lesson in no matter how much we allegedly learn we still refuse to take it on board.
How ironic is it that in a country that has decided collectively to be smokefree by 2025 we, like most other Western nations, seem to have been swept up in this mad vaping e-cigarette scandal which will, and can only, end in misery.
A new study out of Australia finds the flavoured e-cigarettes kill lung cells, why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't people be dying in America?
Having gone through the whole tobacco war over the past five or six decades, where we start out by saying how good they are, advertising them, have movie stars promote them, doctors prescribe them for relaxation, to the growing concerns, then the alarm, then the health statistics, then the addiction, then the lawsuits, taxes, and open war and derision towards them - we then watch the whole cycle of madness start all over again.
• Lung illness tied to vaping has killed 5 people as new case reports surge
• Shocking X-rays show how vaping left teen's lungs caked with hardened oil
• First death reported from vaping-related lung illness, officials say
• Tests show contaminant found in vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses