COMMENT: So it would appear, with the denials and obfuscation, what we told you 18 months ago about KiwiBuild will come to pass.
You can't build 100,000 houses in 10 years. You can't, and shouldn't, promise you can, because it isn't real, it isn't possible - and any promise to the contrary is dishonest, naive and bound to end in tears.
National leader Simon Bridges looked, for a moment, like a proper opposition leader in Parliament yesterday when he was asking Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern about the targets. This is the sort of thing he should have been doing for months.
Ever since this Government started the year with the cold, hard truth that the promise of 1000 houses in year one was a fantasy, and they'd be lucky to crack 100, that was the moment this house of cards collapsed. That was the moment that Phil Twyford, the minister in charge, should have handed in his resignation based on incompetency alone.
Further, Twyford had known about it since December last year but wanted the summer to ponder. Pondering doesn't build houses anymore than hot air does, he's clearly good at both.