COMMENT: I must say I am very pleased the whole polytech/ITO 'turn the system on its head' debate has got a good bit of speed up. It started slowly with just another announcement from the Government that made little, if any, sense. And the response was largely silence.
I couldn't work out why the Industry Training Organisations in particular would not be deeply worried about what, at its heart, is a pure piece of ideology from an Education Minister, with not one moment's worth of experience in the ITO sector, or indeed private enterprise.
Schools got into the debate early when the same philosophy was dropped on them, centralised expertise as directed by Wellington wonks with big whiteboards.
They've formed the Tomorrow's Schools Coalition, they're organised. Where were the ITOs and techs? Well, they have at last arrived, and not a moment too soon. And a good debate has ensued, with this week's chapter involving the electricians saying the price of a sparky is going through the roof if this policy comes in.
Education Minister Chris Hipkins has come back with his patch protection line. His fatal flaw appears to be, to think or he's been told to think, that the ITOs have failed because we have so many gaps in the workforce. If the ITOs worked, he says, we would have the number of sparkies, carpenters, and mechanics we need.