COMMENT: Peter Hughes, who is the State Services Commissioner, has done a couple of things. One, written some letters. And two, launched an inquiry.
In the letters, he is reminding the heads of the various government departments that they must not do political polling, because it is important that they remain to be seen, at least in part, to be impartial or neutral.
He perhaps also asked them not to rob banks, bash old ladies, or steal from fellow workers. For as farcical as those latter actions might seem, I would've thought the concept of political polling, if you are a government department, is equally as stupid and defies any adult logic.
And yet, the inquiry has been launched as a result of exactly that problem. The IRD decided as part of their polling on tax and globalisation to ask just what the recipients' political leanings were.
Now, despite asking Revenue Minister Stuart Nash and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern just who was behind this sort of indescribably stupid decision, they didn't seem to know.