A memorial service has been held in Auckland for New Zealand businessman Peter Spencer, who died in the United States earlier this month. He was 68.
Mr Spencer, farmer and one time owner of Swanndri, died at his home in Hunts Point on Lake Washington on August 2.
He was known for some time as the New Zealand's farmer with the most extensive pastoral holdings - the largest being the 4856ha Erewhon Station near Taihape, which he bought for $6 million in 1992, the National Business Review reported.
Mr Spencer came from a wealthy family, most notable for establishing the Caxton Printing Works, founded in Auckland in 1890 by his grandfather Albert.
He developed a wide range of business interests over a long period, including car assembly (Motor Holdings), financial services (Equitable Group), clothing (Alliance Textiles [NZ], meat (Affco Holdings), communications (Cellular-Vision NZ), property and farming.
He is survived by his wife Gill, sons Christopher, Michael and Howard David and his brother John.
His memorial service was held in Auckland at the weekend.