The ever-changing digital space has created the need for a new definition of the media and what it does, the Law Society says, and media companies agree.
The Justice Select Committee will meet in Auckland on Wednesday to hear submissions on a new Privacy Bill which will replace the outdated Privacy Act. The bill implements changes recommended by the Law Commission in 2011.
"In 1993 when the Act was passed, it was relatively clear what types of organisations or people met the definition of a 'news medium' engaged in 'news activities'," the Law Society said in its submission.
"Changes to technology, particularly social media and blogging, have revolutionised the ability of ordinary people to publish information, opinion and commentary. As a result, it has become significantly less clear who can be said to be a news medium," it said.
NZME, the publisher of the New Zealand Herald, said in its submission that the current definitions of news medium and news activities should be expanded to include new media publishers.