If you read this article, you're an idiot. Now imagine if that statement was true. Imagine if the mere fact I said something about you made it so.
Or, even if it wasn't true, people thought and acted as though it was.
That's what the Women's Minister, Julie Anne Genter, is proposing to do for allegations of workplace sexual misconduct. I wonder what the Men's Minister would have to say about this?
It has become common to ostracise, criticise and demonise men (I have yet to see it happen to a woman) as a result of mere allegations of being a sexual harasser, rapist or a perpetrator of unwanted sexual acts. The trend began with the as yet unconvicted Harvey Weinstein, and continued on to the #metoo and #timesup movements.
Dr Jackie Blue, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner, said: "It is a human right to feel safe as you go about your business."