There's something really unpleasant going on among some of our business elites. It's as if they hate their fellow New Zealanders - the ones who have to work for a living.
When I was young I'd run into old communists who would regale me about the evils of capitalism. They would warn me that our economic system was corrupt because it encouraged one human being to exploit another. It did seem wrong for someone with money, through inheritance or otherwise, to make money off another person without doing any work themselves.
But given they would offer totalitarian states such the Soviet Union or Mao's China as alternatives, I accepted that our system was a better default, despite its shortcomings.
However, these empires that at least, in rhetoric, were workers' states made our free-world capitalists share some of the wealth with the rest of society.
Many state concessions, such as a free compulsory education, free public health, decent public housing, legislated minimum living wages and universal welfare benefits and pensions, were a way to keep the populace from challenging the system. The bogeymen in Beijing and Moscow kept our capitalist system in check.