I prevented a violent road rage incident last week. There could have been a serious injury or worse. Luckily I was there to help. I saved this dude and the best bit was the cowardly way in which I did it. I'll get to my method in a bit. But first. Let's talk about Kiwi road rage itself.
We all know someone who suffers from it. The stresshead who yells and bleets and bitches around town. Anyone who gets slightly in their way is an A-hole. Anyone driving below 60km/h can f*** off. Anyone lawfully parallel parking in front of them is a w***er.
To these people, the road is full of idiots who need to be tailgated and aggressively honked at.
This country is full of horn-riding tanty throwers. You may be married to one. Maybe it's your friend, father, sister or mother. You maybe one yourself. Whatever. Whoever. Wherever. Chill out.
It's a punishing and completely pointless way to behave. A waste of your energy. Do you really think it's your job to train the whole world how to drive? You're that perfect? You've never made a mistake on the road? Of course you have. So settle down. You're embarrassing yourself and your passengers. Not only that, you're also risking your life. One middle finger extension away from a tyre iron round the head from an even bigger psycho than you.