The average age of a car on Kiwi roads is more than 13 years. We've known for a while there's a lot of rubbish on the roads, and something needs to be done about it.
Changes are looming to our warrant of fitness system - with the Government set to make a decision in the next fortnight. To most Kiwis, WoF time is the twice-yearly safety check. Many have no idea what's going on with their cars - balding tyres, stuffed brakes, blown-out shocks can all go unnoticed until clipboard guy points it out and refuses the little WoF sticker.
As vehicles age, wear and tear gets more extreme and problems can appear more quickly.
The motor industry has railed against WoF change, with our fleet age being one major area of concern that's been noted.
In an ideal world, it'd be great if we all drove safe, new cars - but that's unlikely to happen, and the best we can do is look after what we've got.