Police and Fenz investigating the crash on Main North Rd, north of Christchurch. Photo / George Heard
“Donna had never been as happy as she’s been in the last few years with Chris, they’d done really well together, they got married and then made the decision to move down south.”
She said the family wanted to give their condolences to the other person who was killed in the crash.
Duckett said the couple moved from Wairarapa less than three months ago.
“Donna’s been in the Wairarapa most of her life, she’s really well known. We’re just trying to slowly work through everything. We’ve got huge community support because Donna was so well-known and loved right throughout the Wairarapa.”
The crash came after a double-fatal crash in Sefton at the intersection of Harleston and Broad Rds at about 3.30pm.
Jesse Rouvi-Symons, 32, and Jesse Crossan were killed in the crash.
Jesse Crossan, a Christchurch musician, was among those killed over the weekend in Canterbury crashes.
Canterbury rural area commander Inspector Peter Cooper said the crashes were “horrendous”.
“There’s five families in Canterbury that have lost loved ones that will be suffering but there’s also the impact it has on the attending staff having to go to these crashes, it certainly impacts them,” Cooper said.
“It’s a real feeling of sadness, people are losing their lives and families are having to deal with such tragedies far too often.”