A tradition of affirming and swearing in Masterton's newest citizens is being laid out at the Te Ore Ore Marae.
A group of about 30 people including new citizens, Masterton Mayor Lyn Patterson, Masterton District Council members and officers, supporters, and marae kuia and kaumatua gathered at the marae yesterday for a citizenship ceremony.
The six candidates were expatriate South Africans Andries, Amanda, Berenique and Andriette Erasmus, and Jennifer Urbani, and British expatriate Alan Kirkham. Council cultural adviser Mike Kawana welcomed them and thanked "the nannies and aunties" for preparing the marae.
He also thanked district councillors and officers for "allowing the process to happen" at the site.
"It is an honour to have the ceremony here and I hope there will be many more in the future."