It would be safe to say that the Maori Party, Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples, his department Te Puni Kokiri and the Maori Television Service are absolutely gutted by the government's admission today that is has moved to gazump the MTS bid for Rugby World Cup rights by funding TVNZ for a competing bid.
To know how gutted they are you would have to know how thrilled they were at joining the main game, so to speak, with the prospect of screening free to air coverage to New Zealand.
But the suggestion that the Government sought confidential information on the MTS bid and then provided it to TVNZ and TV3 - insider trading is the word being used.
Just before heading into the House today Mr Sharples talked to reporters, and was clearly furious and openly critical of National.
He called what they had done lacking in "etiquette and fairplay". He also talked about the possibility of private iwi funding to promote the MTS bid.
Watch video: Pita Sharples says rival bid is "grossly unfair".
John Key has never shown any enthusiasm for the Maori TV bid and even less for the $3 million Te Puni Kokiri had tied up in it.
Key spent last Friday in Hawkes Bay with Sharples, TPK chief executive Leith Comer and his own associate Maori Affairs Minister Georgina te Heuheu.
Comer gave him a 10-page paper outlining what TPK hoped to get out of its $3 million investment. Key was underwhelmed by it.
A copy of the TPK case that Key was given has fallen off the back of a truck and the full document is printed below.
The most exciting thing in it is a proposal for the NZ Maori team to play the Chinese Army - People's Liberation Army as it used to be called - in a match in Shanghai next year to coincide with the Expo there and 100 years of Maori rugby.
The second most exciting thing is the prospect of opening up marae during the Rugby World Cup for use by backpackers.
What the paper shows is that Te Puni Kokiri is thinking about the myriad of ways that Maori could be involved in the Rugby World Cup in ways that the formal organisers are not and it is excited by the opportunities.
It is safe to assume that enthusiasm has had the guts kicked out of it at present.
- Audrey Young
Photo: Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Supporting Maori Development through the Rugby World Cup
Benefits for Maori, Benefits for New Zealand
1. The Maori Television Service (MTS) is bidding for the rights for free-to-air broadcasting of the Rugby World cup (RWC) 2011.
2. Our support to MTS is for $3 million over 3 years ($1m per annum) and this is for activities that will contribute to Maori Development outcomes. We have a related programme of work across this period that aims to build momentum towards the RWC. We are also planning to create sustained legacy value from this investment.
3. We have established a working relationship with MTS and other key partners to support this approach. Our partners will include: Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori (Maori Language Commission); Te Mangai Paho; Te Whakaruruhau (the Federation of Iwi Radio Stations); the NZ Maori Tourism Council; Toi Maori (the Maori artists and cultural product sector representative organisation); the NZ Maori Rugby Board; Te Wananga o Aotearoa; and the Ministerial Economic Taskforce.
4. Te Puni Kokiri will establish and co-ordinate the activities of this group. Additional organisations may be included as other ideas evolve to support the kaupapa.
5. Te Puni Kokiri is supporting MTS to undertake related activities that will add value to our Maori Development outcomes in a cost effective manner.
6. Listed below are a number of Maori Development outcomes that the Maori Television Service has agreed to in return for our investment. These include:
- Promotion of Maori Language and Culture. Our investment will provide for the implementation of a dedicated RWC Maori Language and Culture Plan, in conjunction with MTS, to increase the knowledge and use of the Maori language among all New Zealanders as part of our national identity.
-Job Creation. We consider that there are significant opportunities for job creation in the Maori broadcasting sector and beyond as part of the RWC. We will use our funding to support training for young Maori in the broadcasting and ICT industries, in association with wananga and other training providers, to meet the demand for skilled personnel to cover the RWC. In addition, we will support training and employment opportunities for Maori in related industries (in particular, tourism).
- Growing the Maori Broadcasting Sector. If successful, MTS will have the opportunity as the free to air broadcaster of the RWC 2011 to significantly increase its viewer base and to substantially increase its current advertising revenue of approximately $1m per annum.
- Celebrating Maori Success through Sports. Our investment will support our ongoing work to celebrate Maori success through sports (with an obvious focus on the 2010 centenary of Maori rugby in the lead-up to the 2011 RWC). One aspect of this work is the proposal for a NZ Maori Team-Chinese international rugby match in 2010.
- Promoting Maori Tourism. We have a focus on strengthening the Maori tourism industry over the medium to long-term. Through our working relationship with MTS, we seek to maximise advertising and merchandising opportunities. In addition we are working to support Maori tourism providers to position themselves in the market for the RWC and beyond.
- Providing Opportunities for Maori Entrepreneurs. We are committed to supporting Maori economic development. We seek to ensure that Maori entrepreneurs are able to leverage opportunity from the RWC. This is happening through the official RWC processes, through regional RWC activities and wider opportunities.
- Supporting the Maori Delegation at the Shanghai Expo 2010. There will be a major international Trade Expo in Shanghai in 2010. The Minister of Maori Affairs has signalled his intention to lead a Maori trade delegation to this event. We are working with MTS to facilitate the development of a Chinese-made documentary for the Chinese domestic market to highlight Chinese-Maori relationships and the best of Maori tourism, creative and other sectors. We are seeking to leverage further coverage in association with the proposed Maori-Chinese rugby international.
- Promoting 'Brand Maori'. As part of our work to promote Maori economic development, we have started work to develop "Brand Maori' as a way of supporting Maori to sell their wares and gain premium prices, both domestically and internationally. It is our expectation that MTS will play a significant role in supporting this concept at the Shanghai Expo in 2010 and the RWC.
- Supporting Festival 2011. We have secured acknowledgement from MTS that they will actively support and showcase Government sponsored activities on the Festival 2011 calendar that is currently being developed, and to support the volunteer programmes that are being prepared for the Festival 2011 and the RWC 2011.
7. the Government has a long-standing commitment to support the Maori language and culture. Te Puni Kokiri leads our work in this sector, in conjunction with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori, through the Maori Language Strategy.
The RWC Maori Language and Culture Plan
8. The RWC offers a unique opportunity to promote the Maori language and culture with a concentrated focus. Te Puni Kokiri and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori have developed a specific plan to maximise this opportunity, that will be given additional impetus if the MTS bid is successful. This plan builds on our current use of the Maori language in the haka and national anthem, and is focused on:
- identifying a small number of Maori phrases and expressions that all New Zealanders can learn over the next two years as we prepare to host the RWC in the stadium of 4 million;
- holding Te Matatini national kapa haka festival in 2011 as an entree to Maori language and cultural initiatives associated with the RWC;
- leveraging opportunities to include the Maori language and culture in Rugby World Cup branding and collateral, and in stadia advertising and announcements (for example, we are aiming for the equivalent of Maori language use in 10 per cent of all stadia announcements during the RWC and promotion of key Maori language and culture websites on stadia advertising);
- showcasing Maori language and culture at marquee events including, for example, a captains' powhiri at Waitangi and a formal poroporoaki to provide a distinctly New Zealand opening and closing for the RWC.
- The RWC Maori Language and Culture plan is similar in nature to the Maori Language Information Programme (MLIP) on which Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori spends $1 million. Its focal point in the Maori Language Week which is aimed at increasing the knowledge, use and status of the Maori language. This programme is considered to be excellent value for money. We believe that the Maori Language Plan for the RWC will yield even greater returns because of the higher audience participation levels, and the general popularity of rugby among a wide cross-section of New Zealanders.
Maori Language Commentary on MTS
9. MTS will enhance the use of Maori language during the Rugby World cup by a) including Maori phrases and expressions in the commentary that is directed at the general public (between 5 - 10 per cent of commentary), and b) providing simulcast commentary entirely in the Maori language for their core Maori speaking audience.
10. Given an estimated 4 - 8 minutes of Maori language content per game, this approach will deliver approximately 6.5 hours of Maori language content across the overall schedule. This will be provided to an average viewing audience of 300,000 per game (providing an aggregate total of 2 million hours of Maori language content viewed during the RWC). This will deliver more Maori language content to more New Zealanders than all Maori programming currently on television combined.
11. This approach will reflect our national identity to an international audience and create lasting benefit for all New Zealanders in terms of their knowledge of the Maori language.
12. We have two key drivers in terms of Maori employment: to reduce Maori unemployment and to reduce Maori incomes through participation in sustainable and high-value employment.
13. The RWC will provide direct and indirect job creation opportunities.
14. MMTS directly employed approximately 170 FTEs [full-time equivalents] in 2008-09. according to research undertaken by BERL, it also indirectly created employment for a further approximately 300-360 people in the independent production sector.
Direct Job Opportunities
15. If the MTS bid is successful, the Maori broadcasting and production sectors will need more skilled personnel. We are currently delivering a cadet programme for 20 young Maori in these sectors on an annual basis. We are liaising with MTS to ensure that these cadets have meaningful career paths in the industry.
Indirect Job Opportunities
16. In addition, there will be significant employment opportunities for young Maori in related sectors, including tourism, cultural services and entertainment, catering and accommodation. We are working with various groups, including te Wananga o Aotearoa, to ensure that we can identify and maximise these opportunities.
17. Fro example, we are engaged with the Aviation, Tourism and Travel Industry Training Organisation (ATTTO) to develop the Maori component of the Essential Skills Training Programme. This work will establish the entry standard for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, for the training of 10,000 people before the RWC, of whom 15 per cent (1500) will be Maori. We will also ensure that ATTTO will engage directly with a minimum of 15 Maori tourism operators so that they are fully aware of the draft programme.
Growing MTS' viewership.
18. If MTS secures the rights for free-to-air broadcasts, this will substantially increase their viewership before an during the RWC, as viewers tune in for the 16 live and 32 delayed games that make up the free-to-air package. Currently, MTS has a cumulative viewer base of 1.7 million 'unique viewer instances' each month. It is anticipated that up to 300,000 New Zealanders and visitors will watch each of these 48 games on MTS. On this projection, the MTS viewer base will increase to approximately 7 million 'unique viewer instances' per month.
19. MTS will develop a 'viewer retention' strategy to enable them to retain new viewers after the event has concluded. This approach will strengthen their viewer base and expose more New Zealanders to the Maori language and culture on an ongoing basis.
Growing MTS' Advertising
20. Currently, MTS has limited advertising revenue (it earns approximately $1m per annum from advertising). this approach will also enable MTS to grow their advertising revenue significantly. Fro example, 20 X 30 second advertising slots (or 10 minutes of advertising) during a single All Blacks game would typically cost more than $300,000 in an open market. On this basis, MTS may be able to generate substantial advertising revenue during the RWC. This revenue will be available for reinvestment to support the Maori language and culture.
Showcasing New Zealand through In-Fill Programming
21. MTS will be able to develop programming that showcases various aspects of Maori and New Zealand culture and society for retail to international broadcasters. This is sometimes referred to as 'in-fill' programming to be aire during 'down-time' between games. It is estimated that some 50+ international broadcasters will be in New Zealand to cover the Rugby World cup. These broadcasters may each seek 'in-fill' programmes before and during the RWC.
22. On this basis, there is potential demand for several hundred 'in-fill' programmes. This will a) stimulate the Maori and general production sectors by providing an international market of 4 billion for their products and b) promote New Zealand Inc internationally, with a particular emphasis on the unique Maori dimension of our society that distinguishes New Zealand in the global marketplace.
Supporting Iwi Radio
23. MTS is committed to working with the iwi radio and Te Whakaruruhau (the Federation of Iwi Radio Stations). This will enable the iwi radio network to simulcast the MTS radio language commentary which will increase listenership for iwi radio stations. It will position these iwi radio stations to engage with local promotional opportunities associated with hosting teams and supporters in their communities. This will enhance their connectedness with their local economies. A further positive outcome is the expansion of their networks with other domestic and international radio broadcasters.
24. As we develop our approach to the RWC over the next two years, we will be encouraging MTS to pro-actively offer simulcast opportunities to iwi radio for other sporting events that it broadcasts. We expect this approach to provide lasting value to iwi radio beyond the RWC.
25. We have an ongoing focus on celebrating Maori success through sport. Our research indicates that this approach supports Maori health outcomes, Maori cultural outcomes (through promoting pride in Maori achievement) and enhanced engagement with other New Zealanders.
26 The RWC presents obvious opportunities to celebrate Maori success through sports (particularly rugby). MTS has already developed a strong programming schedule of Maori and general sports (including rugby, league, netball, basketball and softball). We will be working with them to develop this as a permanent feature of their programming schedule to ensure that there is enduring benefit for Maori Sports organisations.
100 Years of Maori Rugby
27. NZ Maori Rugby will celebrate 100 years of Maori Rugby in 2010. This timing presents strong opportunities to a) showcase the Maori contribution to rugby and b) start the build-up to the RWC. This team has a strong and proud history that is built upon tribal competitions that date back to the 19th century. The tribal competitions are less well known, but no less passionately contested by Maori at the community level.
28. MTS has agreed to work closely with NZ Maori Rugby and the NZRU to promote the 100 years of Maori Rugby through a range of feature. As part of this work, initial discussions are underway to develop the concept of an international match between the NZ Maori Team and a Chinese representative side (this could be the Chinese Army Rugby Team) during the time of the Shanghai Expo in 2010, with a view to co-ordinating the timing of this game with the visit of the Minister of Maori Affairs and his Maori trade delegation.
29. In a further initiative, we are working with Ngai Tahu to develop a proposal, together with the NZ Maori Rugby Board, to organise a marquee event for rugby heroes of the past who will be visiting New Zealand during the tournament.
30. There is substantial evidence that Maori culture is a key driver in the New Zealand tourism industry. Tourists typically seek opportunities for engagement with authentic Maori cultural experiences during their stay in New Zealand.
Anticipated visitor Numbers and Demand for Maori Tourism
31. It is anticipated that some 70,000 international visitors will come to New Zealand during the Rugby World cup. These visitors will have 'leisure-time' between games, and will seek opportunities for tourists experiences. Based on current data, some 20 per cent (or 14,000 people) of these visitors will seek to undertake a Maori cultural tourism experience. According to Ministry of Tourism research, visitors who participate in Maori tourism experiences typically spend $190 per night. On this basis, it can be extrapolated that, as a conservative estimate, some $2.6 million will be spent by visitors on Maori tourism experiences (not including the purchase of merchandise from Maori tourism providers).
Positioning Maori Providers
32. it will be important to ensure that Maori tourism providers are a) positioned to service this market; b) connected to other tourism providers to ensure maximum synergy; c) able to advertise their products and services to potential consumers. Te Puni Kokiri is working with the Maori Tourism Council to support the positioning of the industry and its connectedness with other tourism providers. We are developing collective and direct brokerage approaches for international tourism wholesalers. We have received support for this approach from Tourism NZ and the Ministry of Tourism.
33. An innovative aspect of this work in the proposed use of marae as backpacker facilities. We are aiming to work with a minimum of 20 marae to explore this approach. This approach has the potential to significantly ease the accommodation shortfall during the Rugby World cup.Marae and Maori cultural centres may also become places to promote Maori commerce during RWC 2011.
34. We are working to maximise opportunities to promote Maori tourism to a global audience in the lead-up to the RWC, including the the Maori trade delegation that the Minister of Maori Affairs will lead to the Shanghai Expo in 2010 and the development of a Maori touring exhibition by Te Papa.
35. Te Puni Kokiri is working with MTS to ensure that opportunities for advertising the produce and services of Maori tourism providers are maximised. This includes provision of support, on favourable terms and conditions, to: develop advertising campaigns for these providers; record advertisements; broadcast advertisements at games and related events; and, negotiate the uptake of these advertisements by other broadcasters.
36. MTS will also be uniquely positioned to co-ordinate the advertising interests of Maori tourism providers with the development of the in-fill programming' described above.
37. The Rugby World Cup will provide unprecedented opportunities for the provision of goods and services to domestic and tourist markets. There will be significant demand for particular types of products, including: catering, accommodation, transport, and cultural and rugby merchandise for the tourism market.
Positioning Maori Businesses and Providers
38. It will be important to ensure that Maori providers are positioned to provide services in these sectors. These providers will be able to provide unique services that will be culturally authentic. For example, Maori caterers will provide hangi, paua and other Maori kai favourites and Maori providers will provide marae accommodation. Maori businesses are currently well positioned in the official RWC licenced product programme.
39. based on an extrapolation of the tourism statistics, we conservatively estimate that some 20 per cent of the 70,000 visitors will seek these services from Maori providers. If they spend $200 - $300 per person on these services at any point during the eight week period of the Rugby World Cup, this equates to a $2.8 m to $4.2 m turn-over in the Maori economy.
40. We are undertaking work to ensure that Maori entrepreneurs are well placed to take up the opportunities created by the Rugby World cup. MTS has an important role within this strategy to provide communication and co-ordination among Maori in the lead-up and advertising for these goods and services during the tournament. We will ensure that this advertising is provided on the most favourable terms and conditions.
41. There will be a major international Trade Expo in Shanghai in 2010. the Minister of Maori Affairs has signalled his intention to lead a Maori trade delegation to this event. It will emphasise the importance of Maori economic activity within the wider New Zealand economy. This proposal is being led by the Ministerial Economic Taskforce.
42. This initiative provides an opportunity to promote the role of Maori and wider New Zealand. We envisage that MTS could assist a Chinese television crew in New Zealand to make a documentary for the Chinese domestic market about a) Chinese-Maori relationships and b) the best of Maori tourism, creative and other sectors. We are in the planning stages of this initiative whereby MTS would host and provide technical and cultural support to the visiting Chinese television crew. This approach could also be used to leverage further coverage for Maori and new Zealand around the time of the proposed Maori-Chinese rugby international.
43. MTS would also be able to undertake other initiatives, for example: providing further programming for Chinese audiences; covering the activities delegation at the Expo; and strengthening their relationships with Chinese broadcasters.
44. the Ministerial Economic Taskforce has started work on gaining support and technical assistance to use Te Maori as a way of supporting, both internationally and domestically, Maori sell their wares and gain premium prices for those ware. this work is in its very early stages and we are considering using the Shanghai Expo in 2010 and the RWC in 2011 to start positioning this brand both internationally and domestically.
45. MTS could assist the Ministerial Economic Taskforce as it positions this brand in the international and domestic market.
46. We have secured acknowledgement from MTS that they will actively support and showcase governing sponsored activities on the Festival 2011 calendar that is currently being developed, and to support the volunteer programmes that are being prepared for the Festival 2011 and RWC 2011.
Maori parties gutted by Govt counter-bid
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