Powerlines were brought down after a tornado swept through Mangawhai in the early hours of January 26, leaving many homes damaged and power off. Photo / Alex Burton
Powerlines were brought down after a tornado swept through Mangawhai in the early hours of January 26, leaving many homes damaged and power off. Photo / Alex Burton
A month after the Mangawhai tornado, recovery efforts continue with long-lasting impacts expected.
Over 90 houses were assessed; eight remain yellow-stickered, and debris removal continues.
Kaipara Mayor Craig Jepson highlighted the community’s resilience and response, noting the emotional scars.
The effects of the Mangawhai tornado could last a lifetime, Northlanders at the centre of the recovery say.
It has been a month since a tornado ripped through the Kaipara settlement in the early hours of January 26.
The twister wreaked havoc on Old Waipu Rd, Molesworth Drive, and nearby streets. It ripped roofs and decks from properties, smashed windows and sent furniture into neighbouring homes.
Many houses were left without power as poles were torn from the ground.
Kaipara District Council recovery manager Glynis McCarthy said while the twister was brief and localised, the impact could be long-lasting.
“It’s important to recognise that for some people in our district, especially those who lost their homes, their places of businesses or suffered injuries, the effects of this event and their own personal recovery could be lifelong.”
More than 90 houses were assessed for damage by Kaipara District Council with support from Auckland Council.
Nine homes were yellow-stickered [access restricted] and 26 white-stickered [access allowed]. As of Wednesday, eight buildings were yellow-stickered.
“I think something like this, it brings communities together.”
Klink said people who had lost almost everything – their businesses or homes – had shown immense resilience.
Brodie Stone covers crime and emergency for the Northern Advocate. She has spent most of her life in Whangārei and is passionate about delving into issues that matter to Northlanders and beyond.