He Pā Piringa is the first kaupapa Māori transitional housing service for homeless youth.
A South Auckland charitable trust, Mā Te Huruhuru, part of a youth housing collective, Manaaki Rangatahi, runs the initiative.
The length of stay at He Pā Piringa is 52 weeks, where rangatahi will undertake the Te Pae Tawhiti programme. Mā Te Huruhuru Trust chief executive and founder Māhera Maihi says Te Pae Tawhiti seeks to reconnect rangatahi Māori to their identity.
“We have got 18 bedrooms here for young people between the ages of 17 and 21 who whakapapa to Māori, and during this 52-week programme, we will be looking at reconnection and healing and restoring mauri ora.”