We have all had terrible teachers and some great teachers.
Researchers at Massey University have now mapped out several of the reasons for this.
Since 1996, Kay Hawk and Jan Hill have researched the relationship between teachers and students in low-decile, multicultural schools.
In the resulting report, they revealed several discoveries.
Kay and Jan work primarily in Aimhi Project schools. The Aimhi project has been "set up to raise achievement for Maori and Pacific Island students in eight low-decile schools".
"If a teacher has not been able to form a positive relationship of reciprocal respect, the students in that class will find it very, very difficult to be motivated to learn," say the two researchers.
Teachers also have to promote an atmosphere where students have positive relationships with each other.
"Positive student relationships made it safer for students to contribute, take risks with their learning and learn from each other."
Beyond the classroom Kay and Jan see that recognising and employing teachers with the appropriate skills is very important.
They also recommend programmes to develop these traits in teachers.
Qualities of a good teacher
* Positive
* Optimistic
* Hardworking
* Self-evaluating (they are aware of students' reactions and confident to change their lessons to suit)
* Motivated
* Part of the school as a whole
Good teachers foster relationships with students by:
* Understanding the world that students live in
* Respecting students' views
* Being fair
* Participating in class activities and activities outside of the classroom
* Being patient and persevering with difficult students
* Being open about who they are
* Keeping their word
* Using encouraging dialogue
* Giving students feedback
* Having a sense of humour
* Letting students know that there are consequences for inappropriate actions
* Avoiding confrontation
* Providing a good working environment
Taken from research by Kay Hawke and Jan Hill, Massey University.
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