It is unclear whose fault the spelling error is at this point, he said.
"At this stage, we're unsure whether the error was made when the request was put through or when it was manufactured.
"Irrespective of this council apologises for the error," Pinner said.
The sign will be replaced over the course of the next few weeks. It will cost $100.
Lyttelton Harbour Business Association chairwoman Vicki Tahau Paton, who first noticed the sign and brought it to the attention of the community by taking to social media to highlight it, described the error as both disappointing and amusing.
"It is tongue-in-cheek, it is an error, it is disappointing, but at the same time, where there are far more serious matters going on in the world, it is quite amusing," she said.
In 2018, a sign on Lyttelton St at the intersection of Edinburgh St in Spreydon was misspelt as "Lyttleton St."
In 2018, a sign on Lyttelton St also failed to display the port town's name correctly. Photo / Supplied
At the time, Pinner said mistakes on street signs were "very infrequent."
One of the most memorable spelling errors spread across a street sign in recent history was made on a sign dedicated to 1974 Christchurch Commonwealth Games 10,000m gold medal winner Dick Tayler. The street sign read "Dick Taylor."
Others have included Moorehouse Ave (correct spelling Moorhouse) and a no-stopping sign in Cathedral Square added an extra 'r', 'Catherdral'.