The initiative was just another positive way of agencies in the area supporting their own, Ms Bennett said.
"I think what always impresses me about this region is how kind of self sufficient they are. The last thing they want is a politician coming in and telling them what to do and how to do it. What [the community] always wants and asks for is support for us to stand alongside them. I have a lot of respect for that. Because I think the real answer comes from within community and I think the Government has a role to support that and not come in and be heavy handed and tell you what is happening. There are a lot of examples of that happening locally," she said. "I'm just hugely supportive of this happening within communities."
Trust House chief executive Allan Pollard's signing of the agreement follows the trust's application to become registered as a Class 1: Social Landlord under the CHRA's new scheme.
As a registered community housing provider, Trust House can now make its housing portfolio available to new tenants who are assessed as having high needs or who are assessed as qualifying for the income-related rent subsidy.
Income-related rent subsidies have previously only been available to Housing New Zealand tenants.
Mr Pollard told the Times-Age it would need to expand its housing portfolio by buying properties from Housing New Zealand in other regions.
They plan to increase their portfolio from 500 to 2000 by 2017.
"The timing of our registration couldn't have been better," he said.
The scheme would support many families, Mr Pollard said. "We are aware that there are people and families in the community demonstrating a high need for housing and we are now in a position to fill that need."
"It also comes at a time when central government and local territorial authorities are talking about divesting their community housing portfolios and we are eager to take on more. It has the potential to be a win, win, win situation."
"This registration validates the good work we've been doing in the past 15 years by Government agencies and will give tenants peace of mind that Trust House is a landlord that meets rigorous standards in community housing."