Water take restrictions are in force for all but three Wairarapa rivers as increasingly parched conditions cut flows throughout the region, Greater Wellington Regional Council resource officers say.
Wairarapa resource adviser Sue Silvey said there were two levels of restrictions governing takes from Wairarapa rivers and ground water - either nights only or stock watering only - and there were no full cut-offs yet in force.
The Kopuaranga, Waiohine and Taueru rivers had so far escaped restrictions as well, she said, "but they are close".
Restrictions on ground water were in place in Martinborough, the lower end of the valley and at Te Ore Ore, Ms Silvey said, although enforcement depended on the location and depth of the bores or aquifers in the wider region.
Hydrologist and senior analyst Mike Gordon said rainfall had been intermittent but usual through most of December "and wasn't really summery at all then somewhere around Christmas, somebody turned the tap off and it really hasn't rained since then".