By big city standards $300,000 may not seem much for an average house, but in Whanganui that's massive and the recent jump in house prices is deeply disconcerting.
According to recent REINZ figures, New Zealand house prices have hit a record annual high. And the biggest increases were in the regions with Whanganui/Manawatū seeing the second highest annual rise at 20.9 per cent.
Property valuer Robert Spooner says it's just that Whanganui is slow to react, and the price hike isn't out of step with anywhere else.
"If you actually have a look at the stats, what's caught people unaware is the recent rise and say even the last 12 months," Spooner said. "But if you look at it in context of what's happening at around the country, we've only moved as much as anyone else has over the last seven years."
"While the national market's moved 73 per cent, we've moved 75 per cent, so we're not out of step," he said. "It just appears that way to those looking at it from a specific point."