The ways in which we speak, act, learn, interact with each other and even see ourselves are increasingly changing in today's world thanks to new technologies. Now a new report has identified five key areas within society that have been impacted by digital transformation - and what society needs to be doing to maintain a healthy wellbeing for all . The report - co-authored by outgoing Prime Minister's Chief Scientist, Sir Peter Gluckman - note>- Understanding wellbeing in the context of rapid digital and associated transformations: Implications for research, policy and measurement - is released today by the International Network for Government Science Advice outfit. a division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and is co-authored by the outgoing Prime Minister's Chief Scientist, Sir Peter Gluckman. It canvasses the use of digital technology on children's development, the rise of cyber bullying and implications for mass data and social cohesion
1. Early childhood development:
The report indicates just how much digital technologies have affected or changed human activity - to the point that it has changed the way children are learning and even the way parents are raising them.
The analytical tool showed human development had gone from early learning by experience and imitation from family and caregivers to the increased use of digital device-based learning; replacing interpersonal learning.
There was also less interactive and potentially less inter-human play.