Parents, teachers and pupils at Whareama are together paving the way to victory for their little country school.
Whareama School principal Darren Kerr said the school, which has a roll of 37 pupils, had cemented a tradition of achievement at interschool sporting competitions within and beyond the region.
Whareama this month had taken the Primary School of the Year Award at the Wairarapa Times-Age 2014 Sports Awards that recognised teams the school fielded in hockey, football, mod softball, T-ball and tennis, and the several regional sporting tournaments at which the school annually competed.
"That blew us away. We have 100 per cent participation in sports and a really good core bunch of kids who do really well," Mr Kerr said.
Five pupils from the school had won selection to compete at the Wellington Regional Cross-Country Championships at Waikanae Park on July 1 including Tessa Sandall, Year 5, Joel Silvester and Zara Le Grove, Year 6, Sam Silvester, Year 7, and Maya Oliver, Year 8.