Two Northland boys who have overcome life-threatening illnesses are being treated to a two-week trip to California.
Darcy Wilson, 10, of Waipapa, and Caleb Murphy, 13, of Kamo, have been selected for a Koru Care trip to Disneyland, Universal Studios, San Diego Zoo and other Golden State highlights. They leave on October 24.
Darcy was 6 when diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a child cancer that starts in the adrenal glands and spreads through the nervous system. Over 15 months, he had chemotherapy, surgery, a stem-cell transplant, radiotherapy and an immunotherapy drug trial.
His mother, Mandy Wilson, said lasting effects included hearing loss and reduced lung function, "but he's all clear now ... and doing everything a 10-year-old boy does, like soccer and swimming".
Darcy has been back at Kerikeri Primary School full-time for 18 months. He has been overseas before - his mother having promised a family trip to Fiji while he was still ill.