A 100-year-old tree falls over power lines on the intersection of Ahiriri Ave and St Georges Rd in Avondale, Auckland. Photo / Robert Jeromson
A 100-year-old tree falls over power lines on the intersection of Ahiriri Ave and St Georges Rd in Avondale, Auckland. Photo / Robert Jeromson
A 100-year-old tree fell over power lines in Avondale as ex-cyclone Hale hit parts of the North Island, cutting electricity to the residents of two streets.
Auckland Council officials have told Ahiriri Ave resident Robert Jeromson not to leave his house as they work on clearing the tree and active powerlines from the front of his property today.
Jeromson was outside 20 minutes before the big tree next to his house fell down around 8.30pm yesterday.
The fallen tree cleared from St Georges Rd, Avondale. Photo / Robert Jeromson
“A neighbour called me out, he told me the tree was about to [go] down,” Jeromson said.
“I have been told by them not to leave the house until they have cleared the area because the power lines are right in front of my house.
“They have not been able to clear the tree; it looks like a big job. They cleared part of the tree using a chainsaw on the St Georges Rd side so it is accessible. I had a driving test this morning and I had to cancel it.
“Our street is blocked off. There is no car access.”
Firefighters contain the area where the tree fell over powerlines. Photo / Robert Jeromson
Auckland Council regional arborists and ecological manager David Stejskal said the tree fell over on St Georges Rd because of the extreme wind.
“The road was cleared during the night, with the debris and timber stacked on the roadside berm for removal today.
“The tree removal will be followed by the replacement of multiple power poles by Vector and we appreciate the community’s understanding during this time.
Stejskal said the council was not called to other blown-over trees in the night.
A Vector spokesperson said the site was initially controlled by emergency services before vegetation specialists could begin work to remove the tree.
”Our crews began repair work as soon as it was safe to do so, and power was fully restored to the area around 6am. They remain on site to replace a broken pole and other equipment.
”We understand that power outages are incredibly frustrating, and we thank our customers for their patience and understanding.”