I hope any naysaying councillors bring themselves up to speed on the aims and objectives of the council’s strategy and are left feeling proud that, locally, we have made a start on this most difficult of challenges. [Abridged]
Treaty conversation needed
Aotearoa New Zealand doesn’t need a referendum on the Treaty. What this country does need is a constitution that embraces the principles of the Treaty. A constitution is one of those cans that successive governments have kicked down the road and put in the too-hard basket. But the longer we continue kicking the can, the more the dents, and the harder it will be to get back into shape.
Is this country mature enough to have a conversation regarding a constitution?
People have to be prepared for questions to be asked and answered without cries of racism or privilege forming part of the response. Having been accused of racism for just asking a question about representation on council boards without anyone even attempting to answer the question shows how touchy this subject is going to be.
Who would be commissioned to write the constitution? Well, it has to be kept out of the hands of politicians as much as possible. Naturally, in the final version of what is written. there will be winners and losers - hopefully balanced on both sides. Such is the nature of democracy.
Finally, while we are at it, let’s change our national flag to the official national Māori flag. It would look very much in place in the top left quadrant of the various official ensigns. And maybe help remove one more component of colonialism. [Abridged]