Of particular concern (other than adequate infrastructure) is to protect and enhance daylighting in and around these high-rise developments and to mitigate or prevent the effects of overshadowing on adjoining properties.
Objections if, any, should be able to be made by affected neighbours via pre-development consultations with developers.
Let’s get good quality developments underway with the best outcomes for all.
Put away the bulldozer. (Abridged)
R Ashton
Te Puke
Bring back local democracy
With reference to the council satisfaction article (News, Jan 24) I am not at all surprised that only 32 per cent are happy with the direction of the government-appointed Tauranga City Council commissioners.
You just look at what they are doing to realise why satisfaction has further fallen such as the decision to not consult on the annual plan.
Just look at the current debacle on Cameron Rd where road works have adversely impacted the local businesses along with reducing parking spaces, making footpaths that are hardly ever used even wider, reducing vehicle lanes and installing cycle and bus lanes that will basically have no benefit for the businesses along that road and worse.
They are also intent on a $300-million-plus spend on the civic centre and their desire, in my view, to spend resources on what are called nice-to-have items has impacted on rates with huge increases over recent years.
The sooner that local democracy returns the better. (Abridged)
Mike Baker
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