History-maker Chloe Swarbrick. Photo / Brett Phibbs
Raise fine for using mobile at wheel
If Labour decides to govern alone without having Green MPs as ministers it would have one huge advantage for New Zealand safety. We would not need to put up with Julie Anne Genter refusing for yet another three years to increase the 12-year-old
paltry $80 fine plus points for using a non-hands-free mobile while driving that she has refused over and over again for the past three years, saying "it is enough".
It should now be a $1000 fine plus points, as in Queensland. After just one $1000 fine the culprit would not risk doing it again unlike after a number of $80 fines it is always repeated over and over again. It must be stopped now. So please keep the Greens out for this purpose.
Murray Hunter, Titirangi
Post-vote exuberance
I am slightly bemused at the editorial "Post-vote regrets not all that bad" (October 18). All parties had three years to "show us their wares" as Gerry Brownlee put it. We did our best to choose the best for our country.
Even rural true blue electorates like Rangitikei seem to be convinced to give Ardern more time. Perhaps farmers have done quite well from Covid if the price of cheese is anything to go by. Will they feel safer with a proven Covid team?
The first minute of results on TVNZ 1, with less than 1 per cent of results, was extremely accurate. Hillary Barry and John Campbell agreed "it was too early to go home". Across the country the unanimity was so surreal. The Auckland Central electorate, at 6 per cent of the vote counted, already had Swarbrick in the lead. Minutes later both commentators realised history was being made.
My exuberance is that the wait is over. It is time for them to show us their wares once more. Steve Russell, Hillcrest
Well done