Māori facts right
While I have no interest in the drama of the Tamakis and Destiny Church, they do represent some important facts. Māori, particularly rural Māori, are under-represented in positive indicators such as health and education and over-represented in negative indicators such as mortality and imprisonment.
David Layzell, Auckland
Climate challenge for youth
I would be delighted to hear that a group of these amazing young people and green-oriented MPs have developed a workable plan of attack to achieve a zero-carbon economy within 20-30 years. So far we tend to hear only the loud voice of protest, requesting that the ubiquitous "they" do something about it. Nobody knows how to achieve this goal without reducing our lifestyle to that of the 1940s and 50s. Perhaps they could look at reducing the world's population: not easy. Cut air travel to essentials only: no more overseas holidays. Cut transport emissions by making electric and/or hydrogen-powered vehicles compulsory. Stop oil exploration and production. This would mean walking to school and work, plus we would suffer power cuts just as we did in the 40s and 50s. All of which would be heartily opposed by most voters. There is the challenge, youth of the world: get together and surprise us all by solving these seemingly intractable problems.
Murray Anderson, Pakuranga
In bad taste
I enjoyed reading Heather du Plessis-Allan's "How Nats will game the system" but thought the words in the first sentence "if he pulls the trigger" in very bad taste.
John Mead, Waiheke Island
Tax sugary drinks
Here is the current Government, as well as its Opposition, not having the guts to start taxing sugary drinks. Both sides have a lot to answer for, their lack of empathy to their voters, an inherently obvious support for the enormously profitable sugar and fast-food industry. This huge industry would have a lot to lose if our Government had some decency and prevented an entire generation from tooth-decay, obesity and type 2 diabetes. A dentist had to point out the obvious: teeth are decaying at a faster rate than they can be fixed. Dentist Dr Beaglehole's possible future RSI will not be necessary if this entire industry got a shake-up from a health minister with some empathy. Rather than sweet-talking this topic just for the sugar industry's benefit, show us some compassion, Dr David Clark!
René Blezer, Taupō
History lesson
Thanks for the history lesson, Richard Leary (Letters, May 19). But while the occurrences may be true they prove nothing particular about Christianity. Perhaps you are claiming that Pilate got his demotion from God, in which case there is no proof.
Claude DeBruin, Whitianga
Refunds a joke
Tax refunds in New Zealand are a joke. When they send out refund letters there is no calculation included, they just give you the bottom line and that's that. I believe my refund is about 35 per cent of what it should be. It's borderline criminal how they operate. It's a very vague system where information is buried deep in a website.
Derek Litmus, Onehunga