60,000 people having a fun at Six60 concert at Eden Park last weekend. Photo / Getty Images
Reflecting on the bigger picture
What a reasonable and balanced piece by Liam Dann on opening our borders, in the Herald on Sunday (April 25). He put up the some red flags without pressing the panic button, outlining the pros and cons of different immigration scenarios. There are already many
things to fret about in our society, with its pandemic-response/climate crisis overlay; it is a relief to have a credible commentator who is not shouting "failure, racism, lack of transparency" and other angry remarks about Government policy that add to our feelings of angst. As he suggests, we all must reflect on the demographic challenges that lie ahead and consider what is best overall for New Zealand — the big picture.
B Darragh, Auckland Central
Turn it up to Six60
I do hope Helen Clark and her friends were not too much disturbed by the sound of over 60,000 people having a fun time at Eden Park on Saturday night.
Michael Walker, Blockhouse Bay
Cheque mates
ANZ Bank in New Zealand announced on April 15 that they will accept deposits of Australian cheques plus those from Canada, Great Britain, and the United States in the foreseeable future. So obviously ANZ Bank in Australia has not stopped cheques like ANZ New Zealand has. So why do they do it only here and upset their local customers?
Murray Hunter, Titirangi