BAGGING tourists for their driving habits is now the new trend.
It doesn't take much to set it off. There have been some dreadful smashes on the roads, involving tourists, and people have died.
It's probably not any more deaths than some of our home-grown fatals. When people die in car crashes, the families want to know what the reason was, and sometimes that can take a while to work out. But when it's a tourist involved, it's a ready-made answer on a plate. Chances are, it's probably the right answer.
The head of the AUT journalism school has criticised New Zealand media for its reporting on car crashes involving tourists, according to journalism discussion among my peers. I can't find what was actually said, but there is a point to be made about beating up a tourist's role in a smash. In a smash involving an American in Taranaki, the driver pleaded guilty early and the paper has hit him hard.
And now we have a new, aggressive, self-policing trend: drivers taking the keys off tourist drivers.