Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s appeal to New Zealand Parliament this week is for more military support for Ukraine to fight the war with Russia.
However, New Zealand would be wise to resist the emotional appeal to reinforce warfare.
New Zealand’s role is to provide moral support in the formof humanitarian aid, peacemaking negotiation services, UN peacekeepers and peacebuilding training. European Union President Ursula von der Leyen says there have been 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 20,000 civilians. This is a disaster that requires a political solution. More weaponry only ruins and will not save Ukraine.
New Zealand must support Zelenskyy to stop the war and negotiate a peace treaty in order to protect Ukraine people.
It must be realistic and equitable from a Russian perspective - not from revenge, anger, or hatred (no matter how justified).
It is essential to understand Russia’s legitimate security fears regarding Nato expansion and the deceit, humiliation, and rejection that sparked the war. An acceptable peace agreement would address this, plus re-establish the conditions in Minsk II and include Ukraine sovereign neutrality (not in Nato), an autonomous Donbass Region, and maintain de facto Russian Crimea,
New Zealand could support French President Emmanuel Macron’s advice in a 60 Minutes programme during a recent state visit to the US and in conference with President Joe Biden: “The only way to find a solution would be through negotiations. I do not see a military option on the ground.”
In addition, New Zealand parliamentarians can agree with economist and Director of Centre for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, Jeffrey Sachs, who says: “I think both sides see there is no military way out.”
As Noam Chomsky says, some simple facts are not controversial, there are two ways for war to end; where one side is destroyed and conquered or the other way which is a negotiated settlement. This involves compromise but is better than a nuclear Armageddon by US/Nato determination to vanquish Russia at all costs.
Laurie Ross. Photo / Supplied
Punishment and penalties for war crimes should be dealt with under International Criminal Court.
The diplomatic path is the way to end the Ukraine war and requires “a negotiated political solution to the conflict” as also promoted by Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley.
NZ Minister of Defence, Peeni Henare can align with this kind of US leadership, which reinforces New Zealand’s commitment to International law and the UN Charter, as stated in his Ukraine speech. He concluded: “It is important to push for de-escalation and diplomacy” This is supported by NZ Nuclear Free Peacemakers to assist in the development of positive peace policy and practice.
In conclusion, we encourage New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to cite these authoritative sources of wisdom to uphold New Zealand’s peacemaking support services to Ukraine, in response to Zelenskyy’s request for help.
Laurie Ross is a member of NZ Nuclear Free International Peacemakers.