It has since been returned annually.
However, the card, arrived in Canada too late for Mrs Sutherland this year. She died a week before her birthday.
The card has since made its final birthday greeting; back in Masterton.
Yvonne's son Randy has posted the card for the last time from Canada to Mrs Thomas who is celebrating her 88th birthday on June 26.
Inside was written the message "the last lady standing gets to keep the card. So this is the final journey. Enjoy the memories."
And Mrs Thomas has many great memories of her friend.
The two had become good mates as young mothers in Canada. The card has the words "I'm going to kiss you on the lips" typed on the front with the words "where is it?" inside.
Like a boomerang, four months after she originally posted it to her friend in Canada, on the week of Mrs Thomas' next birthday, the card returned in the mailbox.
"It had a note in it saying 'I couldn't purchase anything better so here is your blooming happy birthday card back'. I laughed."
It started from there, she said.
"I never imagined it would go on this long ... It's just wonderful. She was my best friend. Was always there for me when I needed her just like I was there for her."
These days the card has numerous notes attached, "we ran out of room to write on it".
Today it is torn and taped together and a new card has been added along with the many messages shared between them.
In recent years both women registered the card to ensure it didn't go missing, daughter Kathy Thomas said.
"Imagine the miles it has travelled over the years ... we didn't want it to get lost."
The card has travelled thousands of kilometres, posted to the Philippines, South Africa, Canada and New Zealand on return trips spreading birthday cheer between the friends.
"It's beginning to look a bit like us; old and dilapidated," Mrs Thomas senior said. "I'm going to miss my friend."